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The Russians go There!

The burning issues of the day
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The Russians go There!


Post by simone »

Lavrov claims Zelensky has Jewish blood 'just like Hitler'
Putin is the ONLY contemporary Leader to ever mention The Bolsheviks and how it was Jewish led.
We know the wests economies are screwed with crazy money printing, Wall Street and bankers (rightly or wrongly are associated with Jews) are behind the current economic collapse happening in the west.
WW2 the Nazis were greeted by Ukraine as Liberators (and they were), in their struggle against BOLSHEVIK Russia's Holodomor and Red Terror, now the remnants of Ukrainian Nationalism (Azov) are fighting Modern Russia (non-Bolshevik).
Russians TV has many claim this is a somewhat a holy war, God fearing Russian against heathen westerners.
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